Monday, June 25, 2007

Intelligent Design Not So Intelligent

UK Gov boots intelligent design back into 'religious' margins - The Register

The greatest obstacle intelligent design faced in gaining acceptance is the ability to test it. The whole 'black box' aspect of intelligent design is the kicker. It's not that you can't falsify results. It's that you can't even explain the process fully. While the current Darwinist iteration of evolution doesn't explain everything the fact remains that one day either it will explain everything about evolution or a new theory will come along to explain more. Intelligent design does offer a full and robust explanation but the problem is you can't examine all the steps. There are moments in the process where you simply say, "the intelligent designer did it," and leave it at that. That's not science as it is traditionally understood and practiced. You have to explain everything and every step along the way. That was intelligent design's failure.

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